Stoptober 2019

October is the month that the nights close in, clocks go back and thousands of people attempt to quit smoking!

#Stoptober was brought in back in 2012 to help to encourage and support people country wide to quit smoking for good. The campaign aims to provides lots of free resources and support throughout the month of October to hopefully help to make the transition from smoker to non-smoker as smooth as possible.

Why quit smoking?

We all know that smoking is not good for you, being a smoker increases your chances of developing various cancers, having a stroke, heart disease and even pneumonia, not to mention the fact that the nicotine and tar in tobacco stains your teeth and can even lead to tooth loss.

Quitting smoking is always a good idea, there are so many health benefits and as soon as you stop, you can feel them straight away.

After 8 hours

Your oxygen levels will be beginning to return to normal and carbon monoxide levels in your blood will have reduced by half!

After 48 hours

Your body will have flushed out all the carbon monoxide. Your lungs will be starting to clear out and believe it or not, your sense of taste and smell will have started to improve!

After 72 hours

Your breathing should feel much easier! Your bronchial tubes have started to relax, making breathing feel smoother and easier.

After 2-12 weeks

The blood will be pumping through to your heart muscles much better because your circulation will have massively improved!

After 1 year

Your risk of having a heart attack will have halved compared to a smokers – I bet you’re glad you made the decision to stop!

After 10 years

You really are healthier aren’t you? Your risk of death from lung cancer will have halved compared to a smokers!

How can I start?

#Stoptober resources are available country wide simply ask at you local medical practice or visit the NHS website by clicking on the blue writing!


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