Cash for Kids, Mission Christmas

Christmas is quickly approaching (scary, I know!) and this year here at Stricklandgate, we want to help all children and young people to have an enjoyable Christmas no matter what their financial situation may be. This is why we have registered to become an official drop off point for 2019’s Mission Christmas campaign.

Mission Christmas was set up by Bauer Media to allow local children to receive brand new gifts to open on Christmas Day no matter what their financial situation. In 2017 alone, the campaign raised enough money and collected enough gifts to distribute over £17.5 million in gifts and cash and helped over 400,000 children locally across the UK.

We are collecting gifts (new & un-wrapped) for children and young people between the ages of 0 and 18 years. The gifts don’t have to be fancy or expensive, they just have to be new and relevant to someone in the age range. We would love for you to drop off any toys or prezzies that you think would be enjoyed!

If you would like to donate but are not sure what we are looking for, I have left a few age appropriate gifts below!

Gift Ideas?

0-3 – Teddies, Musical Toys My First Toys, Rattles Books, Play Mats

3-5 – Cars, Dolls, Jigsaws, Dress Up Items, Playdoh, Colouring Books and Pencils

5-7 – Lego, Art and Craft Sets, Skipping Ropes, Make Your Own Photo Frame, Snow Globe, Jewellery Set, Action Figures, Board Games

7-9 – Footballs, Board Games, Remote Control Toys, Stationary Sets

9-12 – Board Games, Make Up Sets, Nail Varnish

12-18 – Toiletries, Electrical items (Straighteners, mini speakers), Aftershave & perfumes, Jewellery, Puzzles, Make-up, Books, Lunch boxes, Duvet sets, Handbags & backpacks

If you would like to find out more about Cash for Kids’ Mission Christmas, follow the link below!

Mouth Cancer Action Month 2019

November is Mouth Cancer Action Month!

This year in the UK, around 8,300 people will be given the life-changing news that they have mouth cancer. These numbers continue to rise while the disease claims more lives than cervical and testicular cancer combined.

During November we will be promoting Mouth Cancer Action month by wearing blue, providing you with facts about the disease and taking part in a few different Mouth Cancer Action campaigns.

If you would like to find out more about Mouth Cancer Action month, you can visit the Oral Health Foundation website

Private Dentistry Awards 2019

We are extremely excited to announce that we have been selected as finalists in not one, but two categories in the Private Dentistry Awards 2019.

The awards were created to officially reward and recognise the hard work and dedication of private dental practices and their team members across the UK. There are many different categories to recognise every member of the dental team including;

  • Best Employer
  • Most Invaluable Team Member
  • Practice of the Year
  • Most Improved Practice

At Stricklandgate, we have been nominated for ‘Best Employer’ and ‘Most Invaluable Team Member’. Sheena Harrison, our lead dental nurse is our most invaluable team member for 2019, if you have met Sheena you will know that she always goes above and beyond for all of her patients and other team members, she really is one in a million and we are extremely lucky to have her as a long term part of the Strictly Dental Team.

The Private Dentistry Awards ceremony will take place on Friday 6th December in London. As much as we would love to scoop up both of the awards, it’s a privilege to have even been selected as finalists.

How to have healthy teeth this Halloween!

Halloween is definitely a fun time for the whole family, it means it’s time to pick out Halloween costumes for the kids and family as well as looking forward to collecting bags full of sweets from the neighbours and even at school. In those bags of sweets lies something even scarier than ghosts and ghoulies…Sugar! Sugar consumption without proper dental hygiene can lead to tooth decay! 

Having said all of this, Halloween is not a time to be scared of possible dental issues! It is a time for lots of fun, sweets in moderation and dressing up! It can give parents and children alike a chance to learn new tricks to maintain their dental health throughout the year.

Dental Hygiene Tips

1. Be Selective. Not all of the Halloween treats are scary. A good dental hygiene tip is to encourage kids to eat sweets that melt fast and can be eaten quickly. Try to avoid gooey, sticky sweets (like caramels) that can linger in the mouth and on the teeth. This will allow the bacteria in the mouth to produce more acid which will cause tooth decay.

A really good idea might be to buy a new toothbrush that is Halloween related as a final “treat”.

2. Hide the excess sweeties. Do not just leave the Halloween sweets around the house after the Halloween trick or treating is over. Store it in a secret place out of reach from kids and adults.

3. Avoid grazing. The idea is not to just keep picking at the candy throughout the day. This reduces the time the sugars are in the mouth decreasing chance of tooth decay. A better idea is to hold back sweeties and use it as an after meal treat.

4. Eat a Healthy Meal first. Have children not fill up on snacks and Halloween sweets but fill up on a healthy nutritious meal first. This will give them less temptation to overdo their sweetie consumption. This is a good dental hygiene tip for all year and not just Halloween time.

Reverse Advent Calendar

It may only be the end of October but here at Stricklandgate Dental Practice, we are already thinking about Christmas!

This year we are running a ‘Reverse Advent Calendar’ in which instead of taking from an Advent Calendar, we are giving back. Everyday throughout November we will be collecting an item to donate to our calendar and then on 2nd December we will be donating the contents to The Penrith Salvation Army to distribute to the people who need it most across the Christmas period.

If you have anything that you would like to donate or you would like to know how you can get involved just pop us a message on Facebook or give our reception team a call on 01768 865744.

Stoptober 2019

October is the month that the nights close in, clocks go back and thousands of people attempt to quit smoking!

#Stoptober was brought in back in 2012 to help to encourage and support people country wide to quit smoking for good. The campaign aims to provides lots of free resources and support throughout the month of October to hopefully help to make the transition from smoker to non-smoker as smooth as possible.

Why quit smoking?

We all know that smoking is not good for you, being a smoker increases your chances of developing various cancers, having a stroke, heart disease and even pneumonia, not to mention the fact that the nicotine and tar in tobacco stains your teeth and can even lead to tooth loss.

Quitting smoking is always a good idea, there are so many health benefits and as soon as you stop, you can feel them straight away.

After 8 hours

Your oxygen levels will be beginning to return to normal and carbon monoxide levels in your blood will have reduced by half!

After 48 hours

Your body will have flushed out all the carbon monoxide. Your lungs will be starting to clear out and believe it or not, your sense of taste and smell will have started to improve!

After 72 hours

Your breathing should feel much easier! Your bronchial tubes have started to relax, making breathing feel smoother and easier.

After 2-12 weeks

The blood will be pumping through to your heart muscles much better because your circulation will have massively improved!

After 1 year

Your risk of having a heart attack will have halved compared to a smokers – I bet you’re glad you made the decision to stop!

After 10 years

You really are healthier aren’t you? Your risk of death from lung cancer will have halved compared to a smokers!

How can I start?

#Stoptober resources are available country wide simply ask at you local medical practice or visit the NHS website by clicking on the blue writing!



Thank you for taking the time to visit our website, have a good look around and if you cannot find all of the information you need either pop us an email or give us a call on 01768 865744.

For more information about the practice and about our team visit our social media pages, click the links below!


